If you’re going to be visiting Park City, you should know how much Park City transportation costs. After all, you’ll need to factor in transportation costs for your trip. Preparing in advance will make your time in Park City more enjoyable and reduce your stress levels! Park City is a big place, so you’ll need transportation to get around.

So, here is your pricing guide for Park City transportation without further ado. If you have questions, more information is available on the Park City Transit, High Valley Transit, and UTA websites linked below.

Park City Transit

Park City Transit has multiple districts and routes that run throughout Park City. It truly is city-wide transportation. Whether you’re a tourist going to Deer Valley Resort or a business owner cutting down on vehicle use, you can take Park City Transit.
You can use the Park City Transit map to determine the best route to get to your destination. If you’re nervous about missing the bus, you can track it with the tool that Park City created.
As for pricing, you’ll be pleased to know that Park City Transit is free for tourists and residents alike. By showing up at the bus stop, you’ll be able to board, ride to your destination, and get off the bus, all without paying a dime.

High Valley Transit

Summit Valley created High Valley Transit as another Park City transportation option to open more routes to Park City and the greater Summit County area. Park City is located in Summit County. While Park City Transit takes you all over Park City, High Valley Transit only offers a few routes. They provide an On-Demand Service and routes between several popular tourist destinations.
Pricing is the same for High Valley Transit as for Park City Transit. It’s free.

PC-SLC Connect

PC-SLC Connect is the transportation service that the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) created to bridge the gap between Park City and Salt Lake City. There are multiple bus stops that will take you from Park City to Salt Lake Central Station and vice versa.
Pricing for PC-SLC Connect depends on the type of fare you purchase. You can opt for a punchcard or reloadable card for yourself, or if you’re traveling in a group, you can get discounted group fares. Additionally, there are reduced prices for one-way trips and senior citizens. You can view fare prices and purchase yours on the UTA website.

Park City Direct Shuttle

As great as Park City transportation is, sometimes you need (or want) a private ride. That’s what we’re here for. Park City Direct Shuttle provides private transportation for you and your party. With competitive rates and professional drivers who will carefully transport you,
Park City Direct Shuttle offers the perfect private service that you need. You can easily schedule your ride online, and you can edit your reservation if your plans change. So, if you’re coming to Park City, don’t hesitate to book your ride with us.