If you’re planning a trip to Park City, you’ve heard of the Park City Shuttle. It’s a free transportation service provided by Park City for residents and tourists alike. But then there’s the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) and private ride-sharing services.

Which service should you use while you’re in Park City? That’s what we’re discussing in today’s blog. Each type of transportation has its advantages, but they’re not all equal or available in the same regions. Let’s find out more!

Park City Shuttle

The Park City Shuttle is known for its free transportation across Park City. With multiple transit routes, the shuttle can take you just about anywhere you want to go in Park City, whether you’re shopping, skiing, or going to your hotel.

For all the planners out there, Park City Transit provides its routes and schedules on its website, so you can map out your trip before you even get to Park City.

The transit schedule changes seasonally, so we recommend waiting until your trip is around the corner instead of planning it out months in advance. That way, if the route changes, you don’t have to plan all over again.

High Valley Transit

While the Park City Shuttle operates from one end of Park City, the High Valley Transit operates throughout Summit County. If you’re staying in Park City but want to go to different places within Summit County, the High Valley Transit will be your best bet.

For its routes, High Valley Transit works with Park City Transit to get you where you need to go. Its routes also change seasonally to accommodate the weather and tourists, so you’ll want to check their website for the most up-to-date information. High Valley Transit also provides complimentary transportation.

Utah Transit Authority (UTA)

The Utah Transit Authority is the most well-known public transportation system in northern Utah. Unlike Park City Shuttle and High Valley Transit, UTA is not free. However, the rates are affordable, and you can find deals on UTA’s website, like discounts for groups.

You’ll need to ride the UTA if you plan to travel to Utah County or Salt Lake County during your trip. To get from Park City to Salt Lake City, you can take the PC-SLC Connect.

Between Park City Transit, High Valley Transit, and the Utah Transit Authority, you can get just about anywhere you need to go for a minimal cost. Remember, Park City and High Valley transits are free to take, but UTA requires a purchased pass.

It’s not too hard to navigate these systems if you learn the routes for the season and plan accordingly. We recommend allotting more time than you think you’ll need to get from point A to point B, in case one of the buses gets delayed at a stop.

However, public transit isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. If you’re introverted, immunocompromised, are traveling with kids, have mobility limitations, or just don’t like sharing space with other people, you might look into other options, like ride-sharing services.

Ride-Sharing Services

Ride-sharing services have taken the transportation system by storm in the past several years, offering on-the-go convenience to travelers. It seems simple enough to use, too.

Users start by downloading the service’s mobile app, inputting personal information (like your name and phone number), and scheduling a ride. You can schedule some rides in advance, which is convenient if you know where and when you want to go somewhere.

But some rides, like being picked up from the airport, might be more challenging since flights can get delayed, and drivers don’t like to wait. In those cases, it’s best to get on the app once you’ve landed and request for a driver to pick you up.

There are multiple ride-sharing services, but not all are available in every region. We recommend researching available options for where you’ll be. It’s also a good idea to download the app you’ll use before your trip. That way, you won’t need to wait for it to download or spend time typing in your information when you just want to get to your hotel!

There are cons to ride-sharing services, though. The cost can quickly add up if you need a ride at a busy time. Ride-sharing services typically charge more at peak times, like during rush hour.

You might have to wait for longer than you’d like if your driver has difficulty locating you. There’s also no guarantee that your driver’s vehicle will be clean or smoke-free or that your driver will be professional.
Ultimately, ride-sharing services have pros and cons, just like public transit. But the good news is that there’s still another option if you don’t like what we’ve discussed.

Park City Direct 

Park City Direct is a private shuttle car service, combining the best of all the services we’ve described. You don’t have to share your ride with people you don’t know, nor will you be subjected to an unprofessional driver. Our drivers go through background checks and provide clean, non-smoking environments.

You won’t ride in an old car; we lease all of our vehicles in brand new condition. You can choose the car you like best when you book your ride. We have options for small and large groups, so we can accommodate you, no matter how you’re traveling.

Park City Direct offers competitive rates and convenient online booking for all of our customers. You can schedule your ride as far in advance as you want, and you can amend it if your itinerary changes. We’re flexible, so you can relax as you plan your trip.

The best part is that we’re available 24/7. So, even if your flight lands at 3 a.m., Park City Direct will be there to pick you up and take you wherever you need to go.

Are you ready to get started with a private ride for your Park City trip? Forget about the Park City Shuttle! You can get started by booking with Park City Direct online today.